Friday, May 01, 2009

The only thing that is constant, is Change, never ever forget this.

The walk to my Ahgong's house today brings back memories; the carefree young me running around downstairs playing catching, me cycling to sembawang park with my cousins to fish, spending nearly half a day everyday there..

Although i still love those great memories and the feelings, but something is missing, or rather changed. The pureness is gone, replaced by worryness and change. The enviroment's different, new shops popped up, the stupid parking system, new playgrounds etc. I felt as though, i had grown up unwillingly, being casted aside by these changes, and there is no place left there for me.


I hate this world, a lot. Or maybe i hate the people in this world for changing the world. For a simple visit to my ahgong's house now, i have to consider stuffs like lunch ( money ), bus and train ( money ), ntuc visit ( money ), what time come back, got enough time anot, what to do there. I don't remember thinking about such stuffs when i was young. Crap. Hate moving to yck seriously. and does this proves that money is indeed everything?

Ps i bit emo =/.

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